

Saturday 19 July 2014

Kiftsgate and other delights


We were lucky not to get any of the predicted thunder and lighting here today. Instead thick fog descended later in the afternoon which hadn't been mentioned in the forecast at all. Fortunately I had already taken pictures earlier today. Above is the Kiftsgate rose that we planted back in 1998. We have had the occasional flower since then but the plant seemed to spend all it's energy climbing up into an ash tree and then jumping into a neighboring tree.

But finally this year a fantastic show of gorgeous white roses has appeared high up in those trees. What a treat!

Meanwhile on the ground the Ballerina rose is also looking very good.

I couldn't resist taking another picture of the wildflowers planted in the cattle troughs. There is an amazing selection of different ones, that came in the seed mats we used.

In the driveway an evening primrose has popped up. So delightful but as you can see the rain arrived up here too after travelling from the south.



  1. Lovely especially the colourful wild flowers...

  2. Lovely especially the colourful wild flowers...

  3. All so beautiful, what a bounty this year!


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