

Sunday 31 August 2014

Black and White Page

Today is the last day that the exhibition will be open on Sunday afternoon (between 1 and 3pm) as well as the final day of the Peebles Arts Festival. I will still be at my exhibition regularly but not necessarily every day. If you want to meet up there let me know though and depending on what else I'm doing I might be able to be there. In the meantime lots of other things are remaining undone but I'm pleased to say I managed to make the page for week 36 of The Documented Life Project. Our task this week was: Black and White.

 As you can see I kept it very simple and only used rubber stamping for this one. The Frida Kahlo stamp is from Invoke and the trees, birds and quotation from Lavinia stamps.
I just couldn't keep it completely black and white and just had to throw in some red. I'm sure Frida would have approved!


  1. I am so impressed with everything going on you were able to get this done! Love the stamps and the red is just the right "pop"....


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