

Saturday 30 August 2014

In the gallery


I hardly took any pictures today but at the last minute remembered to capture the above view in the gallery. If you look closely you'll see another red dot has appeared bottom left, which was lovely and made up for the upset caused by the fact that one of the events of the Peebles Arts Festival was unexpectedly taking place in the gallery. It meant that for about an hour or so this morning no one else could get in there, including me.

I can only hope this didn't inconvenience anyone, and to give them their due I did get an unreserved apology from the museum staff. Fortunately I met a friend to have a cup of tea with and a lovely rummage along Peebles High Street and on my return met up with another friend who bought the piece with the red dot. I also received a wonderful birthday present from yet another visiting friend. Hurrah for Thistle Quilters ( they are all members, just like me).

So I should also mention that I will be at the show tomorrow afternoon between 1 and 3 pm but after that there will be a talk about John Buchan in the gallery. I think tickets are still available for the talk if you're interested.

I have been present at the exhibition most days since it opened because the Peebles Arts Festival was on. That finishes tomorrow and in the coming weeks I will pop in regularly but not be there all the time. If you want to meet up let me know and if I'm available I'll try to be there!


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