

Thursday 21 August 2014

Exhibition is Almost There

Back to Tweeddale Museum and Gallery today to take a few progress pictures of the exhibition. All the journal quilts are now mounted on white boards and those boards will go up onto the walls today. So exciting!

And even better one journal quilt has already been sold thanks to a fellow blipper. It's one of my own favourites: no. 43 Burano! HUGE thanks to Amanda!

Spot the red dot!

The next time you and I will see the show (can't wait!) is at the preview tomorrow night 6 - 9pm here:

52 Journals

A series of weekly journal quilts


Frieda Oxenham

23rd August – 4thOctober 2014

Museum Room

TweeddaleMuseum and Gallery

Chambers Institution

High Street


EH45 8AG


Open Mon-Fri 10.30 – 12.30 and 1 – 4 Saturdays 9.30 –12.30

And during the PeeblesArts Festival:

On Sat 23rd and 30rd August also 1 – 4pm

And on Sunday 24th and 31stAugust 1 – 4 pm

Full Disabled Access

Free Entry

Do drop by. The more the merrier! It's the opening night of all the galleries in Peebles for the Peebles Arts Festival, so it will be a very cheerful evening. You can find all the info about this here.



  1. I'll have to be content with being there in spirit. Wishing you a huge success with lots of sales!!

  2. Glad to see the red dot is up already :)

  3. very very exciting! Hard to believe I will get to see it in person!!!


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