

Friday 22 August 2014

Passioneyes 3

I thought about waiting and posting late tonight after the preview of the exhibition (6 - 9 pm! see yesterday's post)  but then decided this would be adding more stress to the occasion and it is in any case always hard to take pictures at such events so I will be concentrating on taking pictures there tomorrow and blogging them then, and perhaps add any pictures I (or John) might take tonight to that post .

Instead I'm adding the last few spreads in my Passioneyes Journal today. This is made for the Sketchbook Project and once I've done this post the sketchbook will be winging it's way to the Brooklyn Art Library where it will become part of the collection and then travel across the US next summer. It will also be digitalized by the Project and be available for online viewing together with all the previous  sketchbooks I did for them. You can see the previous pages in this sketchbook in my earlier posts here and here.
I started by gluing several of the pages in this Moleskine like sketchbook together to make a sturdier surface and then collaged vintage images and text onto the pages in keeping with my chosen theme of History Book. I added acrylic paints and then used faces from magazines as mask and surrounded them with Silk Acrylic Glaze, purple in this case. I added the found text to the spreads.Washi tape was also put onto the pages as you can see clearly above (the Paris text bit). This sketchbook is all about the eyes though and they too come from magazines and were collaged onto the faces.
I love how the vintage imagery peeks through!
And this is the back cover where you can see the barcode that is unique to each sketchbook and that is scanned every time the book is borrowed by someone. I get send an e-mail when that happens too and it's always so lovely to see them coming in and know that someone I don't know in a place far away has been looking through my sketchbook. It give me a thrill every time!

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