

Thursday 28 August 2014

Give me Flowers

After visiting Portmore yesterday I spend the early morning wandering around our own garden and there is still plenty of colour and flowers to admire there. The weather is helping as today too had occasional sunshine as well as a few showers but it was warmer than yesterday.  
 The dahlias are going strong, specially this exotic looking model.
And I discovered to  my delight that many of the hollyhocks we grew from seed last years are doubles with the most delicious pink colour.
 They look luscious and frilly.
Then I made my way to the museum and dicovered that there is an article about me and the exhibition in the Southern Reporter today. Great to see and hopefully it will bring even more people to the show where I'm pleased to say 6 journal quilts have been sold thus far, among them the one pictured above by my face called Burano.

1 comment:

  1. I love your exotic dahlia, but I think even more I love seeing this wonderful article. Big hugs!!!!


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