

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Such a Perfect Day

Sometimes I do so much living in one day that it feels like it has lasted a lifetime. And today was like that. It started beautifully with sun high in the sky and breakfast in the courtyard. Then we went to Portmore garden again. Yes, it's true, I can't get enough of this beautiful earthly paradise. It was our 3rd visit this year (see pictures from our previous ones here and here) but I still managed to take almost 80 photographs. There is something purely magical about this place that has stolen my heart. I don't think many gardens come as close to perfection as this one. I am leaving you to enjoy the pictures in peace and quiet.

This stag and his female companions (not pictured) is a very recent addition to the garden having arrived in the past few days

I took endless pictures of reflections today!

We spend the morning in the garden, and then reluctantly I managed to tear myself away (already looking forward to the garden opening again next year!) and John dropped me off at the 52 Journals Exhibition for the afternoon.
Lots of people came and among them the purchaser of one of the quilts featured at bottom right and my good friend Geraldine. Here we both are!

And just before 4 pm when the museum closes the day got even better when the Peebles twinning committee with Hendaye in France purchased one of my blue journal quilts as a gift to the French visitors who are leaving today. Life truly doesn't get much better than what today had to offer!

1 comment:

  1. The photos of Portmore gardens are truly stunning. But I love seeing you with your friend Geraldine at the museum, all happy and relaxed, yay!!! The show is on, I'm coming!!


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