

Tuesday 26 August 2014

In the Gallery

I was reminded by a fellow blipper that I had not yet blipped an overview of the gallery where my 52 Journals exhibition is on. I have shown a picture here taken before the preview last Friday but by that time I had already posted a blip so today I went in early this morning to catch the gallery without any visitors as I didn't want to have issues about photographic permission. Above is the view you see when opening the door. You can see the back wall with all the colour themed journal quilts originally made as part of the Contemporary Quilt Group Challenge and incorporated into my 52 Journals project.
This one was taken with my back to that coloured wall and looking towards where the disabled lift arrives at the far back and with a view of the desk where you will sometimes find me and if not me, a member of staff from the Museum Services. By the way if you need to use the Disabled Access the lift starts from the Tourist Information Centre in the High Street, next door to the entrance arch to the Museum.
This is one of the side walls where you can see the Going Around in Circles Journal Quilt (in the window) and where the exhibition starts on the left.
And above the other side wall with in the window some lovely gladioli donated by a member of staff from his allotment. They are looking fabulous and I must ask him for his secret on how to get them to flower at this time of year. Mine are always late!

After opening today we had a steady stream of visitors, many of whom I knew. Thanks so much for coming! There was also interest in buying so hopefully that will come about.

Here is all the info about the exhibition:

52 Journals
A series of weekly journal quilts
Frieda Oxenham
23rd August – 4th October 2014
Museum Room
Tweeddale Museum and Gallery
Chambers Institution
High Street
EH45 8AG
Open Mon-Fri 10.30 – 12.30 and 1 – 4 Saturdays 9.30 – 12.30
And during the Peebles Arts Festival:
On Sat 23rd and 30rd August also 1 – 4pm
And on Sunday 24th and 31st August 1 – 4 pm
Full Disabled Access

Free Entry

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could see these in person. Congratulations, Frieda, they look wonderful!


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