

Saturday 23 August 2014

Open for Business

Thanks to everyone who came to the preview of my exhibition. I deeply appreciate all the support. The above picture was taken just before the doors opened at 6pm. Afterwards it became too busy to take photographs as about 80 people or so passed through. I spend my time chatting rather than photographing.
More red dots have appeared too, which is very gratifying to see.
I went back to the gallery this morning when quite a few people visited too as part of the Peebles Arts Festival. Above the sign in Peebles High Street announcing my exhibition and the entrance is under the arch just behind the sign. As you can see I'm just next door to the John Buchan museum.
And this was taken inside the gallery this morning.


  1. This is so cool Frieda! Congratulations - if I was there I would definitely drop in :)

  2. What a beautiful exhibit Frieda . The architecture is well suited to your artwork.

  3. I really enjoyed your exhibition Frieda. It is so vibrant!
    Geraldine x
    need to decide where to hang my purchase.


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