

Saturday 13 September 2014

All good things must come to an end

It was both a happy and sad occasion when I gave my very last talk/workshop to the Borders Textile Group ( in Foulden, near Berwick. They are a great group and I have enjoyed visiting them regularly so it was sad to think it was the final time. On the other hand I have had many far less pleasurable experiences travelling the country as a jobbing quilter and the thought that I will never again have to make my way home, driving for hours through the dark, snow and rain is a huge relief.

In all those 20 years I have never been late, had an accident or car trouble so I count myself very lucky.


Today too I was early and I took the opportunity to sit on a bench near the Foulden carpark, a spot blessed with glorious views over Northumberland. I could not help but think of the fact that by this time next week that might become a foreign country!

But no point in worrying about the future. Today I concentrated on my talk. It was, surprise, surprise about journal quilts. These were done in the year before and after 2012 when I did my weekly challenge, the 52 Journals now on show in Peebles.

I'm retiring to my studio from today onwards to do what I love to do best. Making my art. It soothes and nourishes my soul like this sunflower is feeding the last bees of the summer.



  1. aah, you definitely deserve to get into that studio and do what nourishes your soul. That sunflower shot is stunning!

  2. what a lovely post, frieda. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! On am happily in boston with my 2 sons as I am sure you have seen on blip by now! not long now . . . :))))


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