

Friday 12 September 2014

Right of Way

I was not going to get into a dispute with this big boy over who had the right of way, when I met him on the road back from Peebles. Instead we used our cars to manoeuvre him gently to the side of the road. Fortunately he seemed to be in a good mood.

We weren't quite as happy at home as after the visit yesterday from a BT engineer our phone is worse than before! There is no internet through the phone line and it crackles something awful. More engineers will arrive by next Tuesday with underground equipment. We were even told that having such a bad fault is a good thing as British Telecom will be forced to take action. I did think something when this was mentioned but fortunately I managed to shut my mouth before it came out!



  1. perhaps you should lead that not so happy looking animal home to gently "threaten" the BT visitors:)

  2. Oh my! Do people just let their livestock roam freely? Crazy! Hope your phone line gets fixed. That's even crazier.

  3. What a fantastic Hereford Bull. They are supposed to be quite placid!!


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