

Monday 29 September 2014

I Will Create

It was a busy old time this weekend but somehow I managed to complete my page for the Documented Life Project where our challenge for week 40 was to paint or colour with three colours you never use. Those three colours in my case don't exist. I use each and every colour and love them all. I do however like to use them mostly full strength and one thing I do hardly ever do is use them in more subdued ways. So that is what I tried to do on this page. Once again I grabbed my gelli plate to make the background as it's quick and easy and also lots of fun. Check out this post on Lenna's blog to see how we worked away together in my shed when she was here.
For this page I used a mix of brown, burnt sienna, some green/gold and oker yellow and a selection of stencils from StencilGirl designed by Carolyn Dube. I love using words and so does she. When I had finished painting and stencilling my paper I cut out a bit that was meaningful to me reading Now I Will Create. I feel the pull of wanting to make something all the time now as hardly anything significant has come out of my hands since the 52 Journals exhibition began and I'm beginning to feel a strong urge! It's hard to explain to other people but my art is what gives my life meaning, it's what I feel I was born to do. And when I don't make art I feel somehow incomplete.
The little images I used on the page were printed by Printagram from my Instagram pictures. 
Other things in life are equally important and one of those things is the daily dog walks as well as the garden and we are having an amazing autumn here in the Borders at the moment with warm, sunny days. I'm making the most of it by taking many pictures during those walks and this morning was a real treat. The cotoneaster berries have never been quite so fruitful.
Nor the view from our gate so lovely. The low light gives a beautiful tone to all it touches. 

 When the dogs and I first set out the landscape was still wrapped in low clouds.
But on our return journey the sun had won the battle.

One more week to go as far as the 52 Journals exhibition is concerned so if you were planning a visit this is the time! 

In other news we have now had so many telephone engineers out here trying to sort out our line that I have lost count. Despite all the work however, incoming calls still knock off the broadband but at least it now comes back quite quickly. I suppose that's progress of sorts! I'm just very grateful we don't have to rely on that connection alone and have our satellite broadband to take the strain. I'm also very pleased I haven't been home for most of all those BT activities! I'm frequently complimented on my patience in making my art but I must admit that my patience doesn't stress to dealing with such annoying issues. 


  1. dear Frieda, I so enjoyed this post. I think the 2nd photo of your DL project, the close up, is really beautiful. I love that sienna brown color, one of my favorites! I also love the way you use those printstudio images. When I get a few more instagram shots I am going to look into it. And what a lovely surprise to find your link to my blog!!

    The photos of your walk are gorgeous and just makes me miss being there with you and the dogs! The cottoneaster plant is looking even more full when I was there . . . so glad they are still working on the broadband and hope it will be much better soon, I am sure the improvement is welcomed!!! xo

  2. your page is really rich looking and just beautiful Frieda. Like you, I love using lots of colors too:) Glad you are still having such lovely weather. Always a treat to walk along with you via cyberspace.


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