

Tuesday 30 September 2014

A beautiful autumn day


Seeing your home through the eyes of someone else makes you appreciate it more. That was the case this morning when I found a link to Lenna's latest journal page in my inbox. It shows a picture she took in our little lane just outside the house.

She inspired me this morning to take my own pictures as it was such a glorious autumn morning. You can see the results above.

The dog walk too was a pure pleasure in the sunshine. I spend the rest of the day at my exhibition where we had a steady stream of visitors and I also enjoyed meeting up again with a fellow blipper! I will be there again tomorrow so drop in if you can!


1 comment:

  1. I'm grinning and giggling here in Florida reading your post and seeing what you wrote -ha! I so enjoyed the photos of your lane, the walk in the field and the cottoneaster plant. So happy to hear the exhibit is continuing to go wonderfully it's last week. I also just finished a Gelli Printing session-whoo hoo! You really did inspire me with our morning in the painting shed!


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