

Saturday 6 September 2014

Newlands Horticultural Show

We spend the afternoon at our local horticultural show which was a delight for the eyes. All the pictures on this post were taken there.
During the morning I was at my own exhibition in Peebles and people were enquiring by phone about the opening hours. Here is all the information again:

52 Journals
A series of weekly journal quilts
Frieda Oxenham
23rd August – 4th October 2014
Museum Room
Tweeddale Museum and Gallery
Chambers Institution
High Street
EH45 8AG
Open Mon-Fri 10.30 – 12.30 and 1 – 4 Saturdays 9.30 – 12.30 only
Full Disabled Access

Free Entry

If you want me to be there please contact me by e-mail (address in the side-bar here!) and I'll see what I can do but needless to say I'm not always available.

On Saturday 20th September I'm expecting a group to come to the exhibition in the afternoon so for that Saturday and that Saturday only the museum will be open till 4pm. 
For more info contact the museum itself on the above telephone number. 
And finally we still have nothing that can be described as a working telephone line. I don't expect any improvement till Monday at the earliest, when we are hoping this super qualified engineer might have a look at the situation. Yikes!
I do however check my  e-mails regularly (maybe even too regularly!) so if you want to get in touch with me that's the best way.
Hope you enjoyed this floral feast. The flowers on display were stunning and I also looked with envy at some of the gorgeous fruit and vegetables on show.
And how about this amazing house plant.  No idea what it's called but I feel an urgent desire to get one.


  1. Oh my, you have put me in blooming heaven! I certainly hope your phone/ line issues get resolved once and for all-how frustrating it must be.


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