

Friday 5 September 2014

The show goes on

I spend another day at the museum today which brought more treats. First of all I discovered my picture is in our local paper, the Peeblesshire News together with other images taken during the Peebles Arts Festival. It was taken during the preview of my exhibition.
The other piece of good news concerns that red dot bottom right. This quilt was sold by my agent in The Netherlands, otherwise known as my mother. It's going to an aunt of mine, so that's another one gone to a good home.

And for the third good thing to be grateful for today, I then met up for lunch with a fellow blipper, Janet. It's great how many blippers I'm meeting face to face at the moment rather than just online! And I knew most of the people visiting the show today as well,  so there was lots of chat going on there too. You will find me at the exhibition again tomorrow morning. Just a reminder that now that the Arts Festival is behind us the exhibition is only open on Saturdays from 9.30 - 12.30 and not open at all on Sunday. Normal opening hours during the week are 10.30 - 12.30am and 1-4pm.

Finally an update on the phone! Sadly the fault is very complicated (trust our phone line!) and it will require a specialized engineer who might not manage to arrive till after this weekend. So in short the message is: don't phone our land line. I had a quite surreal conversation with my mother where I heard about one word out of every 4 she spoke and had to sort of fill in the rest. No idea if I got it right but fortunately we also had e-mail to clarify things.


  1. Everyone needs a Dutch agent. ;) Great pic in the paper!

  2. Lovely photos Frieda and well done on the sales. Wish we were a bit closer so I could come and visit.


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