

Sunday 19 October 2014

Biggar Arts Festival


We visited the Biggar Arts Festival today. The weather was a bit wild and windy but it cleared up towards the middle of the afternoon. It was most enjoyable, and I fell in love with a painting that I will show you very soon. I try to buy a piece of art after every exhibition of my own work in an effort to play it forward so to speak. I sort of knew I might find that art today as the artist in question came to my exhibition and my art resonated with her. The same was the case with her work for me. All will be revealed in the next few days.

I couldn't resist a quick visit to Biggar graveyard as you can see above. I played a bit with textures and the brightness of this photograph.

On the way home we stopped at a new place (The Big Red Barn) for tea and when we came out flocks of geese flew over, a very typical autumn sight here in the Borders. I randomly aimed my camera upwards and clicked away, and was quite surprised to get some decent pictures out of it.


1 comment:

  1. Love how the "black and white" picture turned out - very nice


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