

Saturday 18 October 2014


I drove past the hill we climbed yesterday and it was almost impossible to believe we were up there then. Today the rain was lashing down on the car and even in the middle of the day it was quite dark. So what else to photograph than this indoor cyclamen that has just started to flower! 

Now that the exhibition is over I'm going back to not posting here every day. As there are quite a few projects I haven't shared yet I anticipate that the frequency will still be quite high for the moment but there sometimes are days when I'm simply not in the mood or when I don't want to switch on my computer as that usually leads to all sorts of distractions from what I should and want to be doing i.e. stitch.

Finally someone asked me today about the phone problems. I haven't given you a progress report as there hasn't been any progress! We are writing a log (it's very substantial already) about every problem i.e. bad phone line, broadband being disrupted by both in and outgoing calls and the like. Our service provider (Utility Warehouse, and they have been fantastic!) will use this to put pressure on BT. Neither they nor we expect this to change anything quickly. Many of our neighbours have given up on their landlines but we have no plans to do so, specially as mobile reception is also rubbish. When I'm feeling particularly energetic I might even write to our MP and MSP, who knows!  So e-mail is the best way to contact either of us. 


  1. I have always loved cyclamen! I plant a bed of white in front and they bloom all winter!

  2. I admired this cyclamen photo on your blip but got distracted (!!) and did not come here until feedblitz sent me your blog update. I was very glad to read your second paragraph and think this tactic will help you to concentrate more on your stitching and other art projects. As long as you keep sharing with us perhaps a few times a week, I think it would work well for all!
    I am also glad to hear of the progress (?) with the phone & internet problems and I think UW is smart to have you log the problems. I certainly have my fingers crossed!! xo


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