

Monday 6 October 2014

Polka Dots Page

 Our challenge for week 41 of The Documented Life Project was: Polka Dots. I knew this was going to be a very busy weekend so I went down the simplest road I could think of and used my rather enormous washi tape collection to produce the page. It turned out I had lots of tape with polka dots on it and I also found some pieces of scrapbook paper with polka dots and added them to the mix. Together they formed the background.
I added more transparent dots on top and also a piece of vintage fabric with little black buttons which were like polka dots (this was sewn on) and there you have it! The page was finished within an hour which was just about the time I had available to make it.

This morning we were at the museum to take down the exhibition and I have delivered two of the sold ones to my neighbours on either side. The museum will take care of the rest apart from the ones going to The Netherlands and one that I will deliver in person very shortly. In the end 15 were sold via the museum and as you can see in the sidebar I have put some of the remaining ones up for sale here. Give me an e-mail if you're interested. Email address can also be found further down in the side bar. It will take some time to sort everything out and get my art life back on track but very soon now I hope to do some actual stitching!

1 comment:

  1. I love all your polka dot washi tape! Looks great together and you created even though short on time, yes!


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