

Sunday 5 October 2014

Fungi Hunting in Dawyck

It seemed like ages since I had a walk in the fresh autumn air and in fact the last time was when Lenna was here and that's already 2 weeks ago. So today we went to Dawyck to admire the autumn colours as well as to hunt for fungi pictures. There was plenty of both to be found. 
This was the richest treasure trove of fungi, all located around the base of one tree. I'm almost completely ignorant about fungi and have no idea what these are called but they were really beauties.

 Specially this grouping seen above.
 These were a bit pale for my taste but I love that cinnamon splattering on top.

Even in those two weeks since the last visit more and more trees have started to turn or have turned colour completely due to the much colder nights we're having.
 I know I have photographed scenes like the one above many times before but that is because I just can't get enough of that beautiful laciness woods get when the tops of the trees reach for the sky and the leaves seem to concentrate at the top, leaving the lower halves almost bare. Throw in a bit of bright colour and I'm even happier with the resulting photographs.
 The rowan trees are full of berries.
And there is a wonderful mix of green and rich yellow, orange and brown about. Autumn is definitely here in all it's glory.


  1. Wow that is so cool Frieda - I love the art that nature presents to us this time of year....

  2. It looks beautiful, I love the first photo, so lyrical.


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