

Saturday 4 October 2014

Thank You!

It's over and done with. The 52 Journals exhibition has come to an end. I had it all prepared. I was going to photograph the closed door of the exhibition room but as it turned out too much loveliness was going on and in the end my camera stayed in my bag. Instead I had many visitors this morning,received a large bouquet of flowers and  4 more pieces were sold. John and I went for lunch with some of those visitors afterwards and had a wonderful time. . It was a marvellous end to what has been an amazing 6 weeks. 

With the pictures from my bouquet I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who came to the show, bought pieces and cards (would you believe I sold the very last card this morning!), left wonderful messages in my Visitors Book, and gave me lovely feed-back on my work. Also a massive thanks to the Museum Staff for first of all putting on the exhibition and then helping me in all kinds of ways. I was made to feel very much at home in their Museum and Gallery.
Thanks too to everyone who asked when the next exhibition will be on. Give me at least a few years, please! But I will be hard at work on making more art very soon and I can't wait!

If you want to see a bit of the show again, you can! Thanks to my sweet and adorable friend Lenna who came over specially from Florida to see both the exhibition and me there is a video show of the show and me giving a talk about it to a group from Dumfries. You can find it here:

We will be taking all the pieces down on Monday but for the moment I'm just so over the moon with how it went and I didn't want to wait to say that THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!


  1. oh Frieda, now I have no words!! (almost!) So absolutely wonderful that this exhibit was such a good experience all around! I am really happy for you and eternally grateful you said YES to me visiting during such a busy time. Sending much love & congratulations! xo

  2. What a wonderful accomplishment, Frieda! Congratulations on a successful show. And please thank Lenna for the fabulous video! I so enjoyed hearing you speak about the journal quilts and seeing some of them up close.

  3. This was such fun to follow and such a great accomplishment. Congratulations, again and thanks for posting the video. It was fun to see and hear you speak!


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