

Wednesday 1 October 2014

The last few days


The last few days of the 52 Journals Exhibition are upon us and it has been satisfyingly busy today. Hopefully it will keep going like that right till the final day on Saturday. This is the door you come through to enter the gallery.

And this is another view of the show, complete with visitor book. It's filling up rapidly wirh lovely and much appreciated comments and it will be great to look back at once I have retreated to my studio and am back making art in the months and years to come.

On the way home from Peebles I took the single track Shiplaw road. The sun was shining and I enjoyed seeing that beautiful rolling countryside of our Scottish Borders.


1 comment:

  1. seeping in all that goodness, remembering it all to hold you through less active times . . . well, I am sure not less active with creating, but you know what I mean -the exhibit!


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