

Sunday 9 November 2014

Autumn in Kailzie Gardens

The weather was perfect this afternoon, both for walking and photography. And to make a change we paid a visit to Kailzie Gardens. We have been before several times but usually when the snowdrops are flowering or during the summer. I love the little pond with it's marvellous reflections.

The garden is surrounded by the beautiful Borders hills as you can see above. Add sheep and you end up with a quintessentially Scottish Borders view.

Some more fungi there too. This one was very large and attached to a cut down tree trunk

The walled garden is the main attraction during the summer months but it is closed for autumn and winter but that doesn't mean you can't take a peek through the gate as well as take a picture. As you can see due to the good weather the roses still seem to be hanging on.
 I love this path going through a tunnel of evergreens and the slanting sunlight made it even more special.
 Again I gave free reign to my tree fixation.

 As well as my obsession with photographing water!

Before we left we spotted this beautifully carved chair. It's falling into disrepair and seems to be a bit rotten.Such a shame as the carving looks so good. Love that Scottish thistle on the side.
And being in this garden reminded me of many previous garden visits, among them the day Lenna and I visited Jupiter Artland back in September. She has just written a blog post about it. You can find it here. It brought back many happy memories for me.


  1. All gorgeous - love the fungi - how colourful!

  2. How wonderful this garden is Frieda! And I am delighted that it reminded you of our visit to Jupiter Artland. What a bevy of beauty your neck of the woods in Scotland holds!!! Thank you so much for sharing your photos with us, I really enjoy them. xo


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