

Monday 10 November 2014

Fabric Page

This week (no. 46) the theme for The Documented Life Project was right up my street as it told us to: Incorporate fabric onto your page. And why stop there? I went the whole hog and made my entire page in fabric. I started with a piece of heavy interfacing and sewed down strips of gelli plate printed fabric, first vertically and then diagonally.

On top of that I layered a Bondawebbed (WonderUnder if you're in the US) fabric (also gelli plate printed) from which I had previously cut out circles for another project and ironed it down.

I then stitched around the circles by hand using a running stitch and a variegated perle 5 thread (from Stef Francis), which made me regret having using such heavy interfacing! But I did managed to get that needle through the layers eventually and as I was happy with the effect I didn't mind persevering.

This is probably my favourite page from this year and it made me wonder why I hadn't made all my pages in fabric. The answer came when I added the page to my planner! It is of course loads thicker than paper pages and I would never have managed to add them to my planner had they all been fabric. Still it has given me ideas for next year!



  1. Love the layers and your colors, delicious!

  2. brilliant! You absolutely excel at fabric art!!

  3. Beautiful Frieda! Love it. Your beaded header is gorgeous too!!!!!!

  4. I like it! Especially the gelli print fabric, I had no idea you could use it on fabric. I also like the layering and the hand sewn edge around the circles. Oh and the sewn edges all around. Looks great ��

  5. This is wonderful! Love the circles and the colors.


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