

Tuesday 11 November 2014

We will remember them

On this, the 11th day of the 11th month, 100 years after the start of the First World War, we will have 2 minutes silence at 11.00am here in the UK to remember the fallen, not just of that war but of all wars. I found these two photographs in our old photograph albums. They were taken during a trip with John's mother back in the 80's (I think 85 or thereabouts). She was born and raised in the Isle of Wight and as it was a trip to the places she used to know, we went there too.

On the bottom of this monument (as seen below bottom left) is inscribed the name of John's uncle, her brother, Lieutenant Christopher Richard Pemberton-Bartlett, who died on the 27th of March 1945 (tragically close to the end of the war), aged 25. He served in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. H.M.S. Golden Hind (a shore station based in Australia). He was the son of Ellis Francis Pemberton-Bartlett M.C. and Margaret A.W. Pemberton-Bartlett, husband of Mary Patricia Pemberton-Bartlett of Salperton, Glouchestershire. His name is also inscribed at the Lee-on-Solent Memorial. He served as a member of the Fleet Air Arm, 723 Sqn in the Pacific, and died in an air crash in which he was MPK (missing, presumed killed).

I took these photographs at the time and this seemed the right time to share them here. John was born after the end of the war so never knew his uncle.


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