

Saturday 13 December 2014

A Frozen World

We were greeted by frozen conditions this morning. Even the outside thermometer had frosted up so no idea what the temperature was but it required tools to hammer at the frozen entrance to the chicken run. While working on that we were closely watched by this robin who flew in as soon as it was open and treated himself to some layers pellets. He was far less keen to pose for me but I managed a shot eventually, which resulted in the quintessential Christmas cart image.

Going for the dog walk was like embarking on an arctic expedition with multiple layers of clothing and two pairs of gloves which I then promptly had to take off again every time I wanted to take a picture. This is the same area I showed you a few days ago only now it's totally iced over and it has a rosy glow due to the reflections of the sunrise.

It was another splendid one this morning.

It made even the peat field look good with the top of the hill and some of the trees basking in a heavenly light.

Looking the other way the views were just as beautiful with the pastel tints in the sky making the landscape look like an opal with all the different colours.



  1. brrrrrrr....
    It sure looks cold! Your frozen pictures really tell the tale. Wishing you a warm fire to snuggle near : )

  2. oh my, I am wishing for you a warm fire in the woodstove to warm your fingers & toes up!!! Beautiful Robin.

  3. Oh my Frieda - My Mum misses English Robins very much - will show her your pic! Looks cold - I can appreciate it (though we are actually having a warm spell at the moment - go figure)....


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