

Friday 12 December 2014

12 x 12 exhibition and the icy weather

Photograph by Michael Mathieson
The 12 x 12 cm exhibition I'm participating in (read my previous post about the pieces I made here) opened yesterday and thanks to photographer Angela Mejias who originally asked me to participate you can see my pieces above hanging third from the right one above the other. This is the show in Spain, at Udal Aretoa, Pasaia, San Pedro, and it runs there till the 11 January 2015. Then it will go on to the Espace Cultural, Mendi Zolan, Hendaye, France from the 24th February  - 14th March.2015
In the meantime we have the power (back) and even though I regularly curse the lines as they interfere with my early morning sunrise pictures I'm still very grateful they are operational once again and normal life can resume.
There was no more snow overnight but the snow that was already present has frozen solid and it's very icy everywhere. Time to get the snow boots out to get a firm grip. The slipperiness never seems to bother the dogs and Rueben specially loves the snow, whipping it up with his nose and throwing it about. The greyhound is far less keen!
 While the sun was busy rising the moon was still in the sky.
The day started very promisingly and I thought during the dog walk that we might be blessed with one of those stunning sunny but cold winter's days but sadly after a brief appearance the sun has retreated behind the clouds and all is grey and white at the moment.

I had some company on the old railway line this morning although they weren't keen to make my acquaintance or maybe they took exception to sweet Rueben who ignored them completely. Good thing the greyhound wasn't with us although I always keep her on a lead.

I lost most of yesterday to power problems and signing VAT petitions (and many thanks to those who signed too, much appreciated!) and have decided to forget about it all for the moment and get down to some serious stitching business. It's after all what I love to do most and everything else is incidental. I'm lucky enough not to have to make my living entirely from my art but I sincerely hope a sensible and workable solution can be found so that we can all continue to sell digital and other work without cumbersome government intervention and complicated administration. Should that be the case I will re-install my digital downloads.

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