

Friday 2 January 2015

Courage Page

One of the new ventures this year will the Life Book 2015 classes I hope to be doing on a weekly base. I had been looking at this project for a few years now and always decided I had too much else on. I realized that would always be the case and the only way to go was to simply buy the class and do the best I can with it. It started yesterday and I'm loving it already. The videos are great and I thoroughly enjoyed the Meditation one. There will be more of these throughout the year although if they make you uncomfortable you can of course leave them and concentrate on learning new art techniques. The first video was a warm up exercise using our word for the year. After the meditation that word came bubbling up for me and it is: COURAGE.
There will be no explanations from me about how the pages for this project were put together as that would be against copyright. If you are interested you can sign up for the class yourself here.And I must just mention that the background text stamp I used is from Anna Griffin. I love both the font and the fact that it is in French.
Inside this envelope that I stitched rather than glued on are my intentions for 2015, one of which is to relax more. Playing with my paints, stamps and stencils is a great way to do that and if that means I make less quilts than usual this year then so be it. There are 10 intentions in all hidden inside the envelope, and at the end of the year I will open the envelope (only closed with washi tape so that should be easy), read what I wrote today and make up the score of how well I did! Should be interesting!


  1. The envelope of intentions is tantalising - I might copy that idea!

    I've been meaning to say how much I like your new banner.

  2. love this with all those happy colors, and the pocket is a great idea Frieda. I keep thinking about signing up for this class...


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