

Saturday 3 January 2015

Railway to Roslin

We couldn't let this beautifully sunny although cold day go to waste and I searched out a walk in one of the many walking books we have. The one selected was fairly flat and on an old railway line which originally went from Penicuik to Bonnyrigg and goes through Beeslack Woods. We picked it up near Maybank and walked almost as far as Roslin.
This line crosses and re-crosses the river North Esk over bridges and through tunnels. The North Esk is very fast flowing and in the past was used to power several paper mills in Penicuik and also in Auchindinny. We passed that last one, called Dalmore Paper Mills, now being developed into a new housing estate.

 The railway line (now path) is steeply banked and the top of the trees caught the sun beautifully.
 To our amazement all the tunnels were equipped with electric light that seemed to stay on (day and night?).
About half way we crossed the river once again, this time by walking on top of the Firth Viaduct, which was designed by Sir Thomas Bouch. He also was the designer of the ill-fated Tay Rail Bridge which was swept away in a gale in 1879 with much loss of life. The Firth viaduct however has stood for well over a century now and is still going strong. As we were on top we couldn't see the viaduct arches itself but their shadow fell on the field below.

We went under another tunnel and this time were lucky enough to pass some other walkers with dog who were the unwitting perfect props for my picture.
Living in an old railway cottage ourselves it was interesting to pass what used to be Auchendinny Station and it's cottage. Above is part of the old platform.
As we were walking back the low sun was right in our eyes but on the plus side it lighted up the beach trees and the stones in the river beautifully.


  1. Beautiful. I especially like the first tunnel pic....

  2. Hi Frieda...I lived in Bonnyrigg many years ago when I was a student!! I loved the farms and countryside there.


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