Sometimes I still can't believe what a glorious spot we live in. This is the view from our gate across the lane into the fields beyond as well as the forestry estate with its evergreens.

There was a whole crowd waiting for me this morning when I leaned over the gate singing their little hearts out, and they stayed put despite my and the dogs' presence. They must have liked the peace and the view just as much as I did.

Despite all the rain or maybe because of it our hanging baskets are looking so colourful I could not resist taking some more pictures. I just love the nasturtiums hanging down and beginning to wind their way down the wall.

The geraniums in the window and the marguerites in the new blue pot John gave me form such a great contrast picture too! That's an old porters' trolly leaning against the wall, which we were given by friends of ours who regularly exercise thier daughter's greyhound Poppy along the railway line. It seemed so appropriate as ours is an old railway cottage and the platforms can still be seen along which these trollies used to be wheeled.

Despite my fears that the ceaseless rain would rot all my rosebuds before they could flower, a few have made it and are showing their true glory on this sunny day. This one is an old Alba rose of which Peter Beales in his book Classic Roses says: "Alba roses are a beautiful and intrepid group, going far back in time, and although there is some uncertainty about thier origines and the early parentage of the original form, a few cultivars certainly excisted in medieval times". Isn't that amazing? It makes me think of those romantic medieval love poems, describing knights, maidens and rose gardens, oh so romantic and thrilling. I can readily believe these roses provided an ambience so suited to love as the smell is undescribably sweet, almost hauntingly so! This particular white variety is called Mme Legras de St Germain. The name alone could inspire an entire book!
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