Sunday, 23 September 2007

Artcard Ideas Calendar

More good news as one of my fabric postcards has been voted into the Artcardideas Calendar for 2008. I've uploaded it a final time so you can all have a good look. It was no. 13 in the voting (unlucky for some, but definitely lucky for me in this case) and of my 2 cards, it was the Forest Lovers that got in. Only one card from any individual artist makes it into the deck so I have no idea how many votes the other card (Springtime in Paris) got.
The image used on the Forest Lovers card is from Alphastamps.

Thanks everyone who voted for me. I'm really grateful and it was so good of you to take the trouble!

Only a short post today as I'm still recovering from my daytrip to Inverness yesterday where I had a very good time and the class was simply a pleasure. The same could not be said about the Forth Road Bridge as it took me more than 40 minutes to cross, which turned my thoughts in a worrying way to the collapsing bridge in The States some time ago.

Tomorrow I will be teaching another fabric ATC class, fortunately not too far away and no bridge crossings involved!


gunnelsvensson said...

Congrats! I had vote on your card!!!
Now I have to work on Lenna´s clss: "Mini Art Quit..........
I love it!

Carolyn said...

WOW ! what else can i say ? .... the work that`s gone into it , the gorgeous colours - I love it !

Anonymous said...

Frieda this is just stunning. What a gorgeous, gorgeous card.
I also love Abby's gypsy pic of you, she also is a very talented lady.


Helen in the UK said...

What a beautiful card - a very deserved winner. Just found your blog and enjoying looking at all your wonderful art :)


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