Thought that blog title would grap your attention!! And of course I'm not really famous in Murmansk but my name and my work were mentioned in a Murmansk publication which is pretty amazing! And I must own up to feeling more than a little bit proud of this.
Murmansk is up North near the Arctic Circle in Russia and the reason I made it into the paper was the
Textile News exhibition which travelled there on tour.
I can't tell you what it says in the article (which starts underneath and then continues to the picture above) as my Russian is virtually non-existent. I did a year of Russian as a student which means I can translate the cyrillic letters into Roman ones (not too hard anyway as I did classical Greek in school and that's what cyrillic script is based on) but reading it is more than I can manage apart from the occasional word. But I can tell you that my name is mentioned underneath the picture of my quilt as seen above.

Textile News is the 3rd touring
exhibition organized by Gudrun Heinz. I have participated in the last 2 ones and have already submitted 2 small quilts for the next exhibition which is on the theme of Freedom. I'm keeping the pictures of those to myself for now as the entire exhibition won't be revealed till the Birmingham Festival of Quilts in August this year.

The theme for the presently touring exhibition is Textile News and you can see my little quilt in full colour above. And you can also read all about it
on a previous blogpost here!

And finally here it is again hanging in the Murmansk exhibition! In fact I have Gudrun and her exhibitions to thank for the fact that I can honestly say that my work has been exhibited in Germany, Italy, Switserland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg and Russia and that's just the places I can remember at the moment! She puts an enormous amount of effort into publicizing the exhibitions as well as finding exciting venues for it. She's also really good in keeping all the artists up to date with where our work is, where it will be going as well as uploading pictures of how the quilts are hanging in their various venues. And I have her (and her husband!) to thank for the top 2 and the bottom pictures of this blog which of course were used with their permission.
Another thank you is due to
Gudrun for the fact that I will be featured in the next issue of
Patchwork Professional, a patchwork and quilting magazine published in Germany. More about that when it appears in April. Thanks for everything, Gudrun!!!
wow, that is quite the good news, Frieda. When I tell people about you, I always say you are an Internationally known & exhibited quilt artist -so true! : ))))))
Facinating! Frieda, you are an international super artist star!
Your quilt is totally creative and amazing.
Wonderful post full of your news. Was so intrigued reading about the book you sent to Lenna, that I have requested an interlibrary loan for it. more of my news in an email! Your posts always energize me ;-0
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