Time to show another Fantasy Journal Quilt and this time is one from the other pair I submitted rather than the winning pair. As I mentioned
in a previous post I put the pairs together quite randomly depending on their colour schemes.

This one was inspired by the page seen above made in my
Vintage Gluebook and in this case I used the original vintage image, from a children's magazine published around 1905. This made it necessary to scan it in from my gluebook itself and because I wanted it on a very much larger scale for the Journal Quilt I scanned at 1200 DPI. This seemed to work well as the larger image on the JQ doesn't seem to have lost any definition. A mix of commercial fabrics and ones I had printed onto cotton fabric myself form the background of the JQ. The musical fabric was a black/white commercial fabric I antiqued with tea. The stamp is an actual postage stamp and the text comes from the same book as mentioned
in the previous blog post. And yes, I lived up to my reputation as the queen of embellishment!

Here is a view of my non-winning pair as they were hanging at the recent Ingliston Quilt Fair, and I'll come back to the other JQ in the near future.
gosh, they are both so awesome. I love seeing them in your gluebook and then translated to a journal quilt. The stitching and embellishing is really to die for!! Thanks so much for sharing these wit us Frieda ; ^ )
Oooooh, I love this!! You are definitely the Queen of embellishment..... Especially attractive are all the hand stitching and the beaded butterfly. Seeing the back of the main figure (instead of the usual front) really adds interest and a bit of mystery. But isn't that what fantasy is all about??
WOW. I'm incredibly impressed!
I love, adore these! The images you use are so fab, and I love so much how you do each step and put it all together. So well done!
lovely work as always, Frieda!
Heavenly - both the quilt and the glue book!
I have never seen anything like this, combining paper collage and quilting and beads. Just beautiful.
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