Today blippers blipped journalists, journalists blipped blippers, blippers blipped each other and we all went blipping mad!

" But, above all, the people who drive me up the wall are the gormless goats you see poncing around the city with a camera or two hanging round their middle-class necks. These are "Blippers", deeply annoying individuals who shoot what they think are creative photographs..."
Ever since then we blippers have been taking our revenge by taking pictures of ourselves "poncing" about (here is mine)and it was then decided to ambush Mr. Hoyle outside his office to show him we're no stereo-types. And indeed there was a wonderful mixture of old and young, male and female, professional and amateur photographers. No idea of anyone's class, but all very nice to talk too! To give him his due, Mr. Hoyle took it all in his stride although at times he was a bit overwhelmed by cameras! On the plus side he also received a lovely bunch of flowers.

If nothing else, the day took my mind off the sad events from the last blogpost and it was fun meeting lots of other blippers. Let's hope we will have more meetings in future with or without goats!
Nice to meet all you Blippers today. And thanks for the lovely flowers.
so awesome Mr Hoyle visited and commented. Maybe he is not so bad after all, do you think he article was totally all in good fun? He sounded pretty serious to me!! Anyways, I am so glad you had this good day.what fun! xoxo
:P :P :P
OMG, what a fun post!
La Paix
What a lark! You look very stylish in green!
Too funny, and sad too that he would say such things about a group of people. Maybe he was just hoping to stir things up and get loads of pictures taken of him! Worked!
What you all have to understand is that he was/is asked to write a column called 'misery guts'. It's meant to provoke, generate interest in the paper, be a bit controversial/funny etc. And his was very successful. Look at the other things he has written, even the other groups he pokes fun at in said article. He only chose Blip Photo because a few of the guys in the office are into it. Of course it was all in fun...
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