As promised more picture of the Culter Graveyard. As you can see in the background of the above picture the church itself is lovely and has several mausoleums attached to it. These two adjoining table stone graves really grabbed my attention as both were elaborately decorated. One had a shell layng on the top which for some reason unnerved me a bit.

This side decoration on one of them is a bit of a mystery too. There is a ring as well as a hand and there was more, now no longer visible. Is this the hand of God and is the circle a symbol of eternity? Both are possible explanations but whether it's the definitive one I'm far from sure.

Here are the same two table stones taken facing in the opposite direction. The grave furthest away is the normal shape of a table grave. The short ends are closed and decorated while the long sides are open. The stone nearer to us is much more unusual, being completely closed and decorated on all sides. Neither of them is legible. All the text on such graves is on the top and thus very much exposed to wind and weather.

This is an overview of one of the table graves, with quite unusual pillars and the long sides are both decorated, as opposed to the usual tablestones which are only carved at the short sides.

Here is the flying angel seen on the side and on the picture above in detail. It's holding something in it's hand but what exactly is now no longer discernable.

And then there is this detail on the side, of hand shaking and the latin word
Fraternitas underneath. The word itself translates as Brotherhood but there have been many of those during the ages, all of them religious. I really wish I could find out more about the meaning of all these signs and symbols but most of the ones on this table gravestone remain a mystery to me. I simply admire them and capture them in a picture both for myself and to show them here. Some of them will no doubt pop up in my art too.

Finally two gateways, neither of them the main gate I used to enter the graveyard. Instead they both lead in different directions and were erected by two different lairds for their own private use to get to the church. Each gate is decorated by an ornate archway with the relevant laird's arms carved on it.

This one took my fancy specially, with an inspirational circular design. When I go again, in better weather, I plan to go through and see where the path takes me.
When you first started the graveyard series I couldn't figure out why. I have in the past, not so much lately, enjoyed graveyards, the older ones, and the gravestones. Then I put my resistance aside and started reading. Now I visit often and look forward to seeing your new posts. The art work is incredible and worth looking at. Really am taken with the gates and will be checking back to see what you find when you go through them. Appreciate your art and postings.
Frieda I would LOVE to traipse around the country side with you - you find the coolest places and I just love all your photos (sorry I don't comment more often but I do regularly look :>). thanks for sharing...
You know how jealous I am of your graveyard pictures.
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