Monday, 24 March 2014

The Sun was Shining in Dawyck

We had been planning a visit to Dawyck yesterday but at the very moment we were going to set off it snowed! Not very auspicious and we decided to give it a miss. Smart decision as it turned out because today was so much lovelier with sunshine all the way. It had been very cold overnight though and signs of frost were visible in the garden.
It didn't seem to have affected the skunk cabbage (lysichiton americanus if you want the Latin name) and they looked splendid.
As did some of the rhododendrons, although not the ones that had been fully out. They will need some time to recover from the frost damage. But the buds were very promising;
 If you look closely to the left of the above picture you can see icicles that must have formed overnight, next to the flowing waterfall.
Just looking up at that amazing and completely cloudless blue sky was enough to lift the spirits completely specially combined with the invigorating walk. I will have to select a blip for today from all these pictures. It's going to be hard!


theresa martin said...

Lovely flowers and it's nice to see Spring approaching. We incredibly may have one more snow.

Jewels said...

Wonderful beautiful day for you Frieda!

Terri said...

Hello Frieda,
I am sorry for being MIA for a couple weeks! I hope you are doing well. You picked a fab day to tour. The grounds look so lush and green! The flowers wonderful to see after a long winter : )

The Pied Pedlar said...

It just lift's the sprit to see the sunshine


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