Tuesday 4 April 2017

Walk in the Penicuik Estate

Both yesterday and today we took Flora for a walk around the Penicuik Estate. I felt she was gaining in confidence and it was time to take her to a place that is a haven for dog walkers to get her more used to meeting both other people and dogs. That is something that doesn't happen often enough in the nearby Deepsyke Forest where we normally walk. Contrary to what it looks like it was quite fresh as a very cold and stiff breeze negated the effects of the sun.
I don't have words for how proud I am of this little girl. When she arrived 4 months and 16 days ago she was afraid of everything, including her own shadow. Very, very slowly she has started to come out of her shell and today she amazed me by meeting 3 large dogs as well as a man (she is much better with women) and gradually saying hello to the dogs and eventually letting the man give her a stroke. Yesterday she even went up to some dogs (small, gentle and calm, she seems to know which ones are okay) and took the initiative in getting acquainted. I blamed the tears in my eyes on the wind but really my heart was swelling with love and admiration. There is still a very long way to go but we have started to walk the path to a happy dog existence.
This is the walled garden of the Estate. Volunteers are gradually restoring it. 
The Estate was looking gorgeous in the sunshine and I am so looking forward to seeing more of it now that Flora is walking so much better and the days will gradually get warmer. I'm already thinking up other outings too. It's so important that Flora is better at socializing as it will make her life (and ours) so much more enjoyable and exciting. 

1 comment:

Linda Kunsman said...

You are doing such an excellent job taking care of and training your sweet girl. Much love!


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