Friday 9 February 2018

Walking into a Christmas Card

It was a beautiful sunny morning. There had been a little dusting of snow overnight to cover the snow and ice that were there already, and walking out into the forest felt like entering a Christmas card. A very romantic one!
There were many fox trails but for the first part of the walk to the top of the forest we had the place to ourselves. Later we met some other intrepid dog walkers and some dog biscuits exchanged hands much to Flora's delight.
Above and at the top of this post is what I refer to as the viewpoint; the highest spot in the forest from where you could once see the top of our house. The trees are now too tall but it remains my favourite place in the forest specially on a gorgeous day like today because the sun illuminates it in all it's glory.

the fire pond
Down in the depths of the forest is the fire pond. It serves a useful function should there be a forest fire but it's in a dark and gloomy place. Today however the sun caught a part of it too and that together with the powdery snow on top of the frozen water made it look very scenic.

1 comment:

Linda Kunsman said...

wow, what utterly breathtaking scenery. And to think it's in your back yard...


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