It's been a sort of mixed day. I'm in a frenzy playing with my Lost Art Creations supplies. In a way I think it's more enjoyable to use supplies which you haven't chosen but have been randomly selected for you. Much more of a challenge and makes you broaden your horizons. Maybe suppliers should offer the option for customers to say: " Just send me $30 worth of collage sheets". Now there is a thought, wonder if anyone will take me up on that one.
Anyway I made the 4 x 4 piece inspired by a picture of a German book Leselust (Love of Reading) on the School Days collage sheet and by some fluke I had a collaged background featuring chickens already made for an ATC Swap on the www.atcards.com site. I then found the Social Gathering invite on the Ephemera I sheet which seemed to suit the cockerels as it was at the Opera House and to top it all, I looked up cockerel quotations and found "before the cock crow" (from the Bible!). As I bought all that glitz at a craft fair before Christmas I decided that glitz was just what was needed for the finishing touch. I LOVE this one!!

Terrie also send me the Boys to Men Inkjet Vellum sheet. A great choice as I love vintage men and they can be hard to find (just like all men, really!). Anyway one image was more like a boy and I started leaving through an old book published in the late 1800's to see what I could come up with and my eyes fell upon "the boy's a Revolutionary". Well, he certainly looks serious enough! To add a touch of playfulness I sewed him on a fabric background which I had stamped with button images and added the star (from Artful Hardware 0260) as it sort of looked like a communist one. To finish the ATC off I couched some of the LAC artful fiber around the edge.
However, this was all well and good but I have started to really worry about Theresa's album, part of the Artistic Journey in Colour which has still not arrived. I know the mail had a real problem over Christmas, compounded by the terrible fog problems in Heathrow and it has probably created a bottleneck at Customs. As it is a parcel it will have to be scanned but I was sort of expecting it this week. Even my postie is aware of this parcel I'm waiting for and with every parcel he inquired hopefully if this is the one but so far it hasn't been. It will be such a load of my mind when it eventually gets here.
I've decided to start work on the pages tomorrow so I'm ready with them and only have to put them in with double sided tape before mailing on to Johoanna in Australia. Definitely going registered just like my own!
Fingers crossed. It WILL arrive. IT WILL IT WILL....
How strange, I was very excited to find your blog just now and started reading and you mentioned Johoanna who I also know but from an entirely different place! We haven't heard from her for awhile and are hoping she's ok.
Lovely blog, I will be back :)
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