Saturday 24 February 2007

Vintage Nude Swap

So you've been warned about the images on this post!!
I've been away to the Ingliston Quilt Show today and was pleased that for once I managed to moderate my spending. Just green fabric to back a quilt and calico (or muslin in US speak!) to use for my fabric collages, some Stef Francis fine silk threads, some buttons and charms and only one book (by the Australian quilter Gloria Loughman). It looks lovely and I really bought it for the beautiful pictures of her quilts.

I haven't actually done any sewing today but finished my cards for the Vintage Nude Swap I'm hosting on last night when I did the beading around the edges. I don't really know why but I've become increasingly fascinated by these images which all date around the early part of the 20th Century, 1900 - 1920. I've discovered a lovely website where you can buy collage sheets and CDs or download images. This website also tells you a lot about the background of these images. Most of them were actually taken by only one photographer Jean Agelou and by one of those lovely coincidences which made life worthwhile, a new book about him and his work has just been published in France which of course I promply popped in my basket at the French Amazon site!

I think it is my love for beauty in all its many varieties, which make me appreciate these photographs so much. The women are always pretty (and French!) and the photographs are very artlike, looking at them from the distance of so many years. The swap promises to be a huge success as 42 people signed up already with still 3 more days to go for more sign-ups. I've ordered 2 CDs at already and I have the feeling I will probably end up with all the CDs they have available.

Maybe it's just as well I did not go mad buying today, looking back I've already been quite a spendthrift in recent days!!!!!!!!! It's funny how soon you forget that you clicked that mouse!

All the images I used on the swap cards are from and are available in paper, transparency or fabric from their site. There are not that many sites which do the collage sheets in fabric and their fabric is a superb quality! Artchix has stopped their fabric sheets but you can use their collage sheets to print the image on fabric yourself.

Finally I made a nude card, just for myself to keep as a part of the collaged background I used had a naughtly looking Eros in the background and it just made me put it together and add the text She seemed a thousand times more beautiful. As usually I've used a vintage book (The Broad Highway) for all the text on these cards. This book published in 1920 is a sort of Gothic romance, featuring Highway Men, a beautiful damsel in distress, an handsome hero and many adventures and a rocky path to love. It's quite racy (for its day!) and wherever I open it it always comes up with the most amazing and appropriate texts for all occasions.

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