She has also tagged me to reveal 7 different things about myself which is not easy. I think those of you who read my blog regularly know me quite well already but here goes:

2. I adore salty Dutch liquorice. In fact when I first arrived in the U.K. I had to wean myself off the stuff, but I still love it.
3. I would both die and kill for my dogs who are my no. 1 priority in life
4. John gave me a Craft Workbox for my birthday this year in yet another attempt to help me organize myself
5. I used to be a librarian and my star sign is Virgo, so you would think organizing myself would be natural for me but helas!!!

7. I must have been a magpie in a previous existence as I can't get enough of glittery, shiny stuff, such as beads, chrystals, sequins, metal foil. As long as it sparkles, I want, nay in fact I need it!!
Ik zit hier net met een zakje dubbelzoute harinkjes-drop en ik wenste dat ik, in ruil voor je geweldige blog ,en je zeer gewaardeerde "how to`s",dit zakje naar je toe kon e-mailen.
Ik hoop dat er gauw eens iemand uit Nederland naar je toe komt met een flinke jaarvoorraad drop.
Vriendelijke groeten uit dropland.
No need for translations I guess.Most non-Netherlands folk get the creeps from imagining eating salty sweets like our liquorice.But really..they are very good and very,very addictive indeed..salty greetings,Donata
Nice to read more about you Frieda!
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