I just discovered today via my fellow Alphastamps Design Team Member Sarah Whitmire that my piece Vincents' Country has been published in the latest (Winter 09) issue of Somerset Gallery magazine. I've got the mag on order (even before I heard this wonderful news) but it will take some time to get here. You can see my piece on page 58 which is shown above thanks to Sarah's scan which she mailed me just now.

Anyway here is a detailed picture and the instructions which are as follows:
Vincents Country size:8.5 x 8.25”
Create a fabric collage background by putting vintage text and images, plus a variety of torn napkins, featuring French landscape scenes, on calico ( muslin), using thinned down PVA glue. Add additional color with Dye-na-Flow paints and Art Glitter.
Create a fabric collage background by putting vintage text and images, plus a variety of torn napkins, featuring French landscape scenes, on calico ( muslin), using thinned down PVA glue. Add additional color with Dye-na-Flow paints and Art Glitter.
Make a background by layering a green velvet fabric with batting and quilt this using one of the decorative stitches on the sewing machine and green metallic thread.
Cut a 7.5” wide by 6.75” long piece from the fabric/paper collage, and mount it on the background, by machine satin stitching with the same green metallic thread around the edges.
Select a suitable sunflower fabric and find a partial sunflower image. Using Bondaweb (WonderUnder in US) , iron this onto the back of the fabric, following the manufacturers’ instruction, and cut out the sunflower. Fuse it to the bottom right corner as shown. Hand stitch the petals and embroider the centre with brown French knots and decorate further with beads.
Select a suitable sunflower fabric and find a partial sunflower image. Using Bondaweb (WonderUnder in US) , iron this onto the back of the fabric, following the manufacturers’ instruction, and cut out the sunflower. Fuse it to the bottom right corner as shown. Hand stitch the petals and embroider the centre with brown French knots and decorate further with beads.
Machine and handstitch the major lines in your design as shown.
Add a Vincent van Gogh postage stamp at the top right corner with machine stitching. Stamp the birds (2 ravens facing in one direction, and one facing the other way) as shown. Raven stamps from Alphastamps
Fuse a sunflower fabric to the back of the piece using Mistyfuse and following the manufacturers’ instructions.
Add yellow size 11 seed beads around the edge of the collage.
Finally machine satin stitch around the outside edges of the entire piece.
© Frieda Oxenham, January 2008
Finally machine satin stitch around the outside edges of the entire piece.
© Frieda Oxenham, January 2008
You can see how long ago I actually made this piece and shipped it to Stampington, the producers of Somerset Gallery but it just goes to show that the wait was worth while!
Congratulations! This collage is so beautiful!
I love the house with the sunflowers, in the top left corner. So perfect! The stamped ravens really add to this, I think. Bravo, Frieda!!! It is quite an honor the amount of times you have been published and the awards you have won for your quilts and well deserved. I am very happy for you :) lenna
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