I have been giving this a lot of thought over the last 6 months and then, all of a sudden, and after reading this post by Lenna I found an answer. Lenna was inspired by a book which I discussed some time ago on my Now Reading link at the side of this blog. The book was Life is a Verb, by Patti Digh, based on what you would do with your life if you knew you only had another 37 days more to go. One of her suggestions is to Be Generous and this is what Lenna took onboard.
And that is also my solution to my comments problems. I'm going to send ATCs out into the world to those people visiting and commenting on this blog. I'm not saying when this will happen as I want them to be surprise arrivals. And they will go out at random, you don't have to comment on this post, any post will do! However I do need your mailing address to do this.
So if you are interested, let me have your mailing information (which I promise I will only use to mail your ATC!!). If you're not happy leaving it in the comments, just send it to me in an e-mail instead (address on the right of this blog) and I'll keep them in a file till I mail you an ATC. This is an ongoing project and I hope to mail at least one ATC a month. Just to say thank you for your visit. And rest assured, even though I can't leave commments on some blogs, I still visit and enjoy!

Finally so as not to make this post too boring with just text I'm showing you a very pretty picture of our clematis Sealand Gem, which lives in a pot in our greenhouse and has just started to flower!
I'm sorry you've been having a problem leaving comments! Your post made me think to change the comment area for my blog from embedded to full page in case other people have that problem commenting on my blog. I'm not sure why you would be having that problem although I noticed in the Comments area under the "Settings" tab it says "The embedded comment form can not be used if you have Post Pages disabled." ("Post Pages" is under the Archiving section) but that should really effect only your blog, not ones you visit, right? Wish I had a fix for you! I have to admit that having dial-up would drive me insane! But if the trade off is that beautiful scenery every day then I might be able to deal with it better. LOL That's a very generous thing you are doing, I think I may just have to follow in your footsteps with that idea! I'll be sending you my info for sure! Okay, this is turning into a book, lol. The Sealand Gem is just fabulous! Have a great day!
I love what you do!
don't worry too much about comments, for sure do NOT stop documenting your art and life ;-)
Well, I certainly receive enough art mail from you (can anybody ever get enough art mail? LOL) ... but I wanted to say what a really lovely and generous thought.
I always love to read your blog and look at your beautiful art! Have a nice summer! I will have a blogbreak soon ... And I love to have an ATC from YOU! I will give you my address in an email.
Frieda, I have to admit, I have a memory like a sieve....
I believe I left a message and I think I asked you to delete it when you had written my address down. But, did I? Or was I going to?
Please forgive me, I'm so silly sometimes....
A most beautiful clematis, Frieda, with a beautiful name!! Sealand Gem - i love that.
And I must say, in true generous frieda fashion, what a great idea you have here in response to comments. I love how you have tweaked Patti Digh's 'be generous' idea and even explained it better than me, thank you!! : ) It makes perfect sense and fits you perfectly.
p.s. you have my mailing address!! (even though i am blessed to receive your artwork monthly . . . i'd adore it ) : )) lenna
i follow your blog, you are an inspiration.. lovely flowers!emailed you.. regards..P
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