Thursday 22 October 2009

Michaelmas Daisies

Year in, year out, these are the last plants to flower in our garden and every year their very in your face purple colour catches me by surprise.

Although in the modern Christian calendar Michaelmas falls on September 29th, in the olden days it used to be the 11th October (or the 10th, according to some sources). According to an old legend, blackberries should not be plucked after this day. This was because the devil was banished from heaven on this day, and fell into a blackberry bush, and cursed the brambles. Fortunately he does not seem to have had a problem with the daisies!
Officially the name of these flowers is aster amellus!

1 comment:

creativelenna said...

Yes, we would call those asters . . . they are most beautiful and so welcome on October 23rd!! Thanks for this beauty, Frieda . . . oh! I am going to be doing a small AB exchange/collaboration with Sharon Borsavage, and you have helped me to decide on my theme: The beauty of nature.
: ) lenna


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