Tuesday 6 October 2009

Whirlwind leaves

I know it's not true as I've been walking the dogs and going out and about every day, but in my mind it seems like ages since I was outside properly as in paying attention to what is going on there in the garden. My head is so full of ideas, what to do first from my To Do list, considering life, love and the universe, that I'm failing to live in the moment, this moment, in fact, the only moment we human beings have i.e. now!!

So today, I gave now a chance and tried to concentrate on every moment and I did this specially when I went for my daily perambulation in the garden. And there was a lot of see. We've had our first nightfrost and that means plants and trees are putting on their autumn outfits. The first gale is also under our belt and the leaves are gathering in heaps on the grass, some with such amazing colours, that they stop me in my tracks.

Okay, cardigans are now the order of the day and the multi-fuel stove is on, but I promise myself to enjoy autumn, look forward to winter and give each moment its proper due


Maggi said...

I love your train of thought! Taking in the changes from summer to autumn is one of my favorite things! I love your new blog look!

qwerty said...

Ohhhh, that second picture is amazing - what incredible colours in just one leaf!! I love autumn, this is my favourite time of year :) It's too bad it never lasts more than about month and half here in Toronto.

JP said...

love your new top to your page - very evocative


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