Sunday 20 December 2009

Grids and Chocolate

Yesterday offered one of those delicious coincidences (known as synchronicity) that makes life such a fascinating journey. On not one but 4 of the blogs I read regularly I came across grids and two of these were in chocolate form, Yummy!

The first occasion was on this post in Tristan's blog, where he featured a picture of a box of chocolates. Like him I fell in love with the picture and it started me on a train of thought of why I so appreciated it. In the interests of serious research (honestly!!) I acquired a large box of chocolates and started to shoot my own pictures. Normally when I buy a box of chocs it is more like a piece of performance art (I eat them!!!) but in this case Tristan made me look at it as if it was art. And I came to the conclusion that it's the grid arrangement that particularly speaks to me. As a quilter I just find this hugely satisfying to my arting soul and as Tristan is also a quilter it probably has the same fascination for him.

Another fellow quilter whose blog I read for inspiration and amazing photography is that of Jane Brocket and loo and behold there too was a post about boxes of chocolate, bought in Paris, no less!! Another great picture and of course another wonderful grid pattern as well as beautiful colours.

Another gorgeous and colourful grid appeared on Carolyn Parker's Rose Blog and this grid illustrated how she stores her Christmas decorations, not all tumbled and tangled together in a box, like mine (!!), but lovely laid out and sorted by colour in separate storage units.. Although this is not chocolate, I still felt like eating this picture mentally.

And finally Helga Strauss, the owner of Artchix Studio, has been running an online class on her blog which included grids and dots in the instructions. Although I did not take part (finally I do seem to have gained some control over my eternally mouse-clicking finger) I did make time to admire all the resulting artwork.
Thanks to Tristan, Jane, Carolyn and Helga to set me off on this train of thought and also for their respective blogs which brighten my life on a daily basis!

1 comment:

FeatherDuster said...

Smart thinking, buying a box to aid your study ;-)


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