All real vintage and from my own collection. And I had fun making it but as Mary, our teacher, so wisely stated: "using one page is easy when the book has 100 more". Yes, indeed!! And I still don't find it all that easy despite not just having 100 more pages but in fact almost 100 more books! You can see part of my vintage library above but this is by no means all. What exactly is it that makes me so reluctant to actually use all my treasures, not just vintage paper, but also vintage fabric, lace, buttons, sequins, trim. Well you name it and I probably have it. Do I have some secret and deep-buried fear that these possessions will suddenly disappear??!! I will have to give this some more thought and get to the bottom of it, so that it can remedied! This class is a great incentive to start using it all and was worth joining for that reason alone! You can still join if you like and on Mary's recent blogpost you can see some great spreads produced in class, including my Lady in the Lake spread.
Our latest lesson included information about where to find vintage paper and ephemera and this proved my undoing in that I just had a quick wander around Ebay. No, I'm not confessing what I indulged in, you'll find out soon enough.
But it did make me wonder about the nature of vintage. Just exactly when does anything become vintage. I myself tend to only use the denomination vintage when I'm referring to images now in the public domain and no longer subject to copyright. In the US this is anything produced before 1923. The rules are slightly more complicated here in the U.K. but I use 1923 as my guideline. However on Ebay I found knitting patterns from the 60s referred to as vintage which was a bit unnerving as I was already very much alive at that stage. Does this mean my school reports are now vintage??!! What a very disturbing thought! And the only conclusion that I can come to is that I myself am now vintage. Oh no!!
Oh yes, we're totally vintage now! lol In terms of dates, anything referred to as "vintage" is/should be at least 20 years old (1990 now joining that group if you can believe it. UGH!) That's how I know it anyway. :)
This spread is so great, so many wonderful layers! I'm glad you're having fun with my old friend Glue. LOL I would love to visit your library sometime...what treasures!!!
Frieda, Your pages are so lovely, and I'm glad you were able to use some of your supplies! I used to hear that an antique was 100 years old or more, but that seems to have changed to about 75 years old. I think people will call something vintage if it's over 25 years...But, I think it needs to be AT LEAST older than I am!
Hi Frieda! I'm a fellow student in the Vintage Gluebook class, and I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying all your pages! You have such an eye for color and composition. I'm learning so much in the class, and I'm amazed at how creative everyone is! Happy gluebooking!
If you do not use your "stuff" then someone else may or it may just be garbage one day. This was what I discovered upon attending estate sales and seeing what was picked over went unbought and was then discarded. One generations treasures are the next's trash. So use what you have.
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