Sunday 27 June 2010

Casting a shadow

The weather remains lovely, sunny and warm and in the evenings I continue to go for long walks. It's very dry everywhere and the newspaper informed us today that this has been the driest spring since 1929 here in Scotland. Another record weatherwise after the winter snow ones.

This (again according to the paper) has also produced a proliferation of wild flowers the like of which is not often seen so of course I have tried to capture it in pictures for posterity! The white is clover and the yellow lady's slipper! When I came home and uploaded my pictures to the computer it turned out I had also captured myself, not just once but twice. It happened because the sun was still shining brightly and when I took the pictures I could not actually see what was on my display screen due to the glare, so just pushed the button in the hope the camera would record what I wanted it too. It duely did its job but also captured me. Oh well!

The photo of the peat field was taken because I love the geometry of those long parallels, there is just something about them that speaks to me. Perhaps one day I'll do something inspired by all those pictures, who knows!

1 comment:

creativelenna said...

i love your shadow pictures, Frieda. The wild flowers are really in abundance! so pretty. >|: ) lenna


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