I kept reading in various online groups about making books out of your blog and of course I could not help investigating further and I'm ever so pleased I did! I received my book of the blog from the 27th February - 27th May 2010 including all the comments and it looks wonderful. Even John was deeply impressed. He is no longer online at work (as he's retired),banned from using my computer at home and he seemed to enjoy reading about what he was missing.
The company who does all the hard work to make this possible is Blog2Print and if you have one of the standard blogs such as those hosted by Blogger, Typepad and Wordpress, all you do is give them your blog URL, the dates you want them to cover and they do the rest. You even have a choice regarding the front and back cover pictures that you want to use although I went with the standard choice of first and second picture. You can also edit the blog i.e. leave out certain posts if you prefer etc.
My dial-up connection at home is too slow to indulge in too much editing and in any case I felt I simply wanted the entire contents. It's surprising how much I had already forgotten about life lived such a short period ago!
I'm going to try and get my entire blog printed in due course bit by bit, money permitting, and I look forward to the future when I might find myself in very old age sitting with these publications in my hands and remembering the past but then again perhaps I will still be too busy even then making art!! Sure hope so. Having said that I have already caught myself re-reading this first blogbook several times.
oh, Frieda! "I look forward to the future when I might find myself in very old age sitting with these publications in my hands and remembering the past but then again perhaps I will still be too busy even then making art!! Sure hope so."
- I would imagine that you will still be too busy, but that you will enjoy your blog book just the same!! Love this idea, Frieda!! You are so good and always on top of these great ideas! when I do get myself to Scotland to see you one day, I will read it : )
Hoi Frieda! Je zegt wel eens wat over onze foto's e.d., maar jouw foto's mogen er ook zijn hoor. Prachtig! Heerlijk ook om zo te kunnen genieten van de natuur hè, met al het moois en de rust. Wij weten er ook alles van.
Groetjes, Corry & Johan
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