The environment we dined in was also delightful as we went to Cringletie House hotel, situated on the A703 between Peebles and Edinburgh. It's an old baronial house as you can see on the picture further down.

They have hung it beautifully, out of the full light, with just a gentle spot highlighting it from the top. It was still in excellent condition as a result. Being reunited with it was like meeting an old friend after many years.
The hotel is situated in beautiful grounds too and after lunch we had a wander around the walled garden and admired the snowdrops as well as the stunning views in all directions. The Scottish Saltire (flag) was flying for us too.
And you might by now be wondering about the picture at the top. On our table there was a very unusual table decoration. A glass bowl was filled with water into which 3 lilies were floating. Of course I could not resist taking a picture and never realized at the time that I was also incorporating myself and my camera as well as the windows. You have to have a pretty close look to capture all that and you can see the picture large before too long on the Blipfoto site.

So there I was reflecting in the reflection! I do sometimes wish I could switch off my thoughts even if just for an hour or so!!
Whiskey, cream, and raspberries might be the new magic medicine! I know you're unhappy right now, but just had to chuckle about your miraculous dessert 'cure' at the hotel luncheon. Bet it was fun to see your quilt friend again, and it is beautifully displayed indeed.
Lovely! Seeing your quilt there must have been really something!
I am hoping that the issues with the museum work out well and soon.
I have enjoyed catching up on your post.
How strange - we were there today! The chocolate fondant was just as good a restorative. But I wish I'd known about your quilt. Damn. We'll just have to go back again!
Congratulations on your win at Ingliston - the Tweeddale Quilters delegation all admired them!
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