Two days of gorgeous sunshine here in Scotland, and we made the most of it. John by painting our gate and the chicken house and I by sitting in the sunshine, reading books and stitching (Martha and Mary come to mind!!). And the days offered up other goodies, I won a prize in the Sketchbook Challenge site, Amazon went beyond the call of duty service wise (and it was a pleasure to talk to their representative with a lovely Irish accent), a little quilt of mine will be published in the Bernina Calendar next year and the Journal Quilt I was working on turned out completely different from my original plan but much, much better. More about all this in future blogposts as the details will have to be kept to myself for the time being.
I'll talk about the Journal Quilt in more detail in the next few days but for now all I will say is that sometimes even I am amazed at what comes out of my hands and where it comes from is a mystery even to myself. This fills me with awe and makes me consider the nature of creativity, both my own and other peoples. There must be some sort of well inside us of which we are on the main unaware but which provides us with what we need to make our art.

One thing I do know, the well needs topping up regularly and for me this is done by looking at beauty in all it's many shapes and sizes. The sunset last night is a shining example, both literally and figuratively speaking. It was breathtaking and this picture doesn't really do it justice but gives you some idea. And of course our courtyard where everything is now in flower is another place that not just fills the well but makes it overflow!
love the garden, sunset, and the coincidence of the graveyards and undertaker!
You have reminded me its time to Blog2print! Thanks:)
wow, congratulations on all the good news! Beautiful photos -thank you for sharing them. I understand a bit what you wrote about where the art comes from? And filling up the well. It makes me feel good to read you have the same thoughts. xo
Hello Frieda,
I am catching up on your posts...I can't believe I have missed some!
Congratulations on another one of your pieces of art being honored! Yay! You so deserve it. I, as you know, love everything you do.
The sunset photo is fabulous. How magical it must have been to see it.
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